Built for Out of Hours

working safely, sharing the load, reducing risk
Hospital at Night (H@N) is a team-working model which focuses and enhances the key skills and competencies of different healthcare professionals together with identifiable and visible leadership and corporate accountability. The concept advocates team-working, the sharing of generic work across specialties and clear communication in order to minimise risk.
Team Working.
The iBleep system has a clear and unique role here as a mature call-filtering tool, where calls are assessed by a recognised leadership facility and assigned to the Out Of Hours (OOH) team according to availability, experience and geographic location.

iBleep promotes team working with secure task management; as a result, patient risk is eliminated and there is a significant reduction in work related stress and alarm fatigue, particularly for the junior doctor.
The iBleep system supports and protects the workforce and strengthens the relationships across all of the OOH team into one cohesive unit and patient care improves as a result.
Moving the work back into the day
It is well understood that work generated during the late afternoon is often not being completed and is being left for the OOH period.

Much of this work is for routine prescribing, blood or fluid related work and creates unnecessary backlog for an OOH team. Whilst this work does eventually get completed, it undoubtedly has an impact on patient recovery.
Without isolating this work, an organisation could believe that there is a requirement to sustain a larger OOH team, with additional costs – particularly if Locum medical staffing is employed.